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Shungite is similar in look and basic composition to coal. Both are carbon based minerals. The word "coal" means "mineral of fossilized carbon". Shungite is 98% carbon. Coal is categorized into nine types if you include graphite. But there is only one Shungite.
While coal can be changed by heat and pressure, Shungite is not effected by either heat or pressure. The difference between the two similar materials is in the molecular structure. Simply put, Shungite is made up of molecules that should exist in the vacuum of space but not within the geology of Earth.
The critical molecule is named after American architect R. Buckminister Fuller. So you hear the terms "fullerene" and "Bucky Ball". Both refer to the same type of carbon molecule that is the roundest and most symmetrical large molecule known. In fact, the most perfect version of the molecule (C60) looks like a soccer ball or two of Buckminister Fuller's geodesic domes brought together to a create a sphere.
Buckminster Fuller was known for his geodesic domes. When two are put together you have the same geometric pattern of the C60 molecule. Both look like a soccer ball.
Where is Shungite Found?
It all started in 1985 with some scientists essentially wondering what types of carbon molecules could exist in the vacuum of space. All life on the planet is based upon carbon and it is of paramount interest. They ended up creating the C60 Bucky Ball. By 1996 other less symmetrical fullerenes were identified and the scientists were given the Noble Prize in Chemistry for their discoveries. By then the scientific world was enthralled with fullerenes and the search began to find fullerenes in nature.
They found some in a meteor strike impact point in Canada. A gold mine in Canada and another in Russia showed fullerenes. And then there is the Zazhoginsky Shungite deposits in the Russian Republic of Karelia near the eastern border of Finland. The mineral was called Shungite after the village Shunga. There is a glass like mineral with fullerenes in Colorado caused by a lightening strike. Other areas are claiming to have fullerenes in shungite like mines...but I am not sure this is the real thing. We only use the Zazhoginsky Shungite and it is the only Shungite I am referencing in this blog.
As the scientists tried to figure out what new and amazing things could be made out of fullerenes, Shungite started others to start looking at it again. It was used to build a good portion of Saint Petersburg by Russian Czar Peter the Great. He had come to know of the material because it was where he had built a healing spa for his soldiers. The waters that flowed through the deposit were known to have healing properties. Maybe Peter made the connection to the healing waters and the Shungite or maybe he just saw it as a new and spiffy look for building materials, with which to build much of the city. And until the last decades of the 20th Century Shungite was only used in construction materials.
But then they started finding new uses and things got interesting.
Detox Parasites
Everyone has them
Most have no idea that they are full of toxins. The build-up is typically slow and steady over time and the outward symptoms are often confused with a multitude of potential dis-eases. This creates the realm of misdiagnoses and/or not realizing there is anything wrong altogether. Once you discover detox is as necessary to your body as an oil change is to your car, can you reap the benefits of a daily, monthly, quarterly and/or yearly detox regimen.
My first experience with an amazing immune booster caused a pretty intense detox that came in the form of a tincture . This tincture had saved my friends life so I was eager to give it a try. At first I could not get past a few drops without experiencing what is called a herx. My skin was erupting with lumps and bumps that I later learned was accumulated mucous and plaque from a constant diet of dairy. The skin, one of the five detox organs prompted a mass exodus. At one point my left calf was oozing yellow/orange goo for weeks (mimicked a spider bite) and my chest had broken out into what could have been mistaken as shingles. Thank God I had the wherewithal not to run to the doctor, be misdiagnosed and prescribed pharmaceuticals to exacerbate my body’s natural process of eliminating what didn’t belong there in the first place. The other organs that are responsible for detox are the lungs, colon, skin, kidney and liver. It is highly recommended to incorporate a colon cleanse at least once a year.
Fast forward 8 months and I discovered the healing properties of Oregano Oil! Parasites cannot stand this stuff and they will be inspired to find a prompt path to egress. After looking into the parasite situation in more detail, it was discovered that 95% of the population has parasites without any outward signs that there is an infestation. Parasites can live inside the host for 20 to 30 years without detection. They get your nutrients before you do and can cause a great deal of health issues.
Cilantro and Toxic Metal Cleansing
"Beyond its nutritional benefits, cilantro is a powerful, cleansing agent that specifically targets toxic metals. We are constantly exposed to toxic metals like aluminum, arsenic, and cadmium. Toxic metals tend to accumulate in the endocrine system, muscle tissue, and even deep within the bones. Once these metals reach dangerous levels, many serious health problems occur. Common side effects of toxic metal exposure include hormone imbalance, oxidative stress from free radicals, and, in extreme cases, impaired organ function. Don’t wait to experience harsh side effects before cleansing your body.
Mercury, for example, can have a devastating effect on your health. Many people who suffer from mercury exposure report feeling more clear headed after consuming large amounts of cilantro over an extended period.[2]
Exposure to lead is also far more common than many people realize and has many adverse effects on the body. In animal studies, cilantro has been observed to protect against lead-induced oxidative stress.[3]
Cilantro helps cleanse the body of toxic metals by supporting the body’s natural detoxification processes. Compounds in cilantro leaf bind to toxic metals and loosen them from affected tissue. This process allows metals to be released from the body naturally. You can access these benefits by consuming the raw leaves or ingesting concentrated extracts. Unfortunately, fresh cilantro goes bad very quickly. If you want to be sure to always have access to its detoxification power, supplements may be a good alternative.
Supplements are an excellent choice when fresh cilantro isn’t available or if you find its taste unpalatable. I recommend Global Healing Center’s own Zeotrex™. Zeotrex is a blend of powerful herbs, including cilantro, which help promote overall health by encouraging detoxification of harmful chemicals and toxic metals.
On that note, it’s a good time to mention that not everyone appreciates the distinctive flavor of cilantro. One explanation for the difference in flavor perception is the absence of a particular gene called OR6A2. The lack of this gene seems to be common in those who report a foul taste.
Additional Benefits of Cilantro
Antioxidant Support
Cilantro has strong antioxidant activity.[4]
Promotes Heart Health
Cilantro may help prevent cardiovascular damage.[5]
Provides a Mood Boost
Cilantro has been shown to promote calm feelings.[6]
Promotes Normal Blood Sugar Levels
Some studies report that cilantro encourages normal blood sugar levels.[7]
Supports Restful Sleep
Cilantro may help improve sleep quality.[8]
Supports Healthy Cells
Coriander seed oil possesses antioxidant properties that may reduce oxidative stress.[9]
Encourages Fungal Balance
Research conducted by The Dental School of Piracicaba in Brazil reported that cilantro oil has potential against an oral form of the candida fungus.[10]
Fights Harmful Organisms
Cilantro has demonstrated neutralizing activity against several types of harmful organisms.[11, 12]
Encourages Brain Health
Cilantro may help support neurological health by discouraging oxidative stress.[13]
Promotes Normal Fluid Balance
Coriander seed encourages normal fluid balance and urine flow.[14]
Supports Bone Health
Vitamin K supports healthy bones, and eating even a small amount of cilantro provides the recommended daily serving of vitamin K.
Nutritional Support for Eye Health
Cilantro contains nutrients, including vitamin A, which support eye health.
Natural Food Preservative
Cilantro leaves and coriander seed are used to produce essential oils that act as natural food preservatives.[15]"
Energy Clearing Protocol
By Kandy Vandawalker
Fact #2~ Because ALL MATTER VIBRATES, it releases energy.
Fact #3~ The energy released from every item that exists, can be measured
Fact #4~ That energy field is referred to as the items ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD/ SIGNATURE
Fact #5~ Because of Quantum Physics, we can now MEASURE the EMF/S of EVERYTHING. In essence, we can measure the "aura" of a tomato, a rock, a piece of metal, a human liver, a vitamin, a virus etc.....
Fact #6~ Something does not have to be ALIVE/LIVING to have an EMF/S- a rock, metal etc... all have their own signature...they are not "living" per se.
Fact #7~ Muscle testing does not lie. In the 60's, a chiropractor figured out something called applied kinesiology. He figure out that if he placed something (let's say a tomato) in someone's hand and tested the strength of their other arm as they push up against the practitioner, the practitioner can determine if that person is sensitive to a tomato by the strength or weakness of their arm.
Our bodies and brains are super quantum computers- we are EMF/S based- every part of our body has it's own EMF/S (liver-stomach-lymph system ect)...... and you have your own EMF/S (aura) = we all have a certain amount of SOFTWARE (information) in our bodies. If we are sensitive to something, it means that that word (information) is missing from your databank. i.e.- If a person has iron deficiency, it is because "IRON" is not listed in that person's databank. If the word isn't there, the body doesn't know what to do with it, so it let's it go. You now have iron deficiency. Once you add the word IRON to the databank the body now recognizes iron and knows what to do with it, holds on to it and utilizes it properly!!
FILE 1 : Print and clear this document FIRST!!! (Organs/systems/glands/hormones/inflammatory responses)
FILE 2 : Print and clear this document 2ND! (Foods/Vitamins/Hygiene Products General)
FILE 3: Print and clear the following documents in whatever order you choose.
(Elements/Metals/Fumes/Fibers, Radiation, Geo Stressors)
(Common Herbs and Remedies and Standard Vitamins)
(Drugs/Vaccines Commone and Comprehensive)
(Trees/Pollens/Plants by Region)
Additional Fungi Bacteria Mold
Research Confirms Sweating Detoxifies Dangerous Metals, Petrochemicals
Posted on:Tuesday, July 23rd 2013 at 2:45 pm
Written By: Sayer Ji, Founder
This article is copyrighted by GreenMedInfo LLC, 2015
New research is revealing something remarkable about why the body sweats. Beyond its obvious role in regulating body temperature, sweating has been found to facilitate the elimination of accumulated heavy metals and petrochemicals, indicating that if we want to be healthy we should put regular effort into doing more sweating.
Sweating has long been known as a source of bodily, if not also spiritual "cleansing." But until recently, very little 'scientific' confirmation existed proving that using heat and/or exercise to facilitate perspiration-induced detoxification actually works the way that many natural health advocates claim.
With the Rise of Biomedicine and its so-called 'evidence-based' model of determining what is true and thereby legal to practice, this conspicuous lack of clinical proof has resulted in a veritable inquisition against those who claim that bodily detoxification through sweating is anything more than a form of 'quackery.'
Sweating Confirmed As A Detoxifier of Metals
Enter the findings of a groundbreaking 2011 study published in the Archives of Environmental and Contamination Toxicology, which explored the effects of bioaccumulated toxic elements within the human body and their method of excretion:
"Toxic elements were found to differing degrees in each of blood, urine, and sweat. Serum levels for most metals and metalloids were comparable with those found in other studies in the scientific literature. Many toxic elements appeared to be preferentially excreted through sweat. Presumably stored in tissues, some toxic elements readily identified in the perspiration of some participants were not found in their serum. Induced sweating appears to be a potential method for elimination of many toxic elements from the human body."[1]
The researchers also made the important observation that, "Biomonitoring for toxic elements through blood and/or urine testing may underestimate the total body burden of such toxicants. Sweat analysis should be considered as an additional method for monitoring bioaccumulation of toxic elements in humans."
These are truly novel findings insofar as sweating, at least from the perspective of evolutionary biology, is considered to exist primarily for thermoregulation (sweat cools the surface of the skin and reduces body temperature, functioning as a wholebody cooling system). While the sweat glands have a well-known secondary role for the excretion of water and electrolytes, this function is not generally understood to be a form 'detoxification.'
Also, this study underscores just how common it is for conventional medical practice to overlook the relevance of environmental factors in health (e.g. exposures to metals, petrochemicals, toxins), as many of these 'vectors' of exposure/poisoning are not properly measurable via blood or urine tests; that is, when they even care to look. This blind spot, of course, feeds the delusion that one can suppress bodily symptoms associated with environmental exposures with additional patented chemicals, in the downward spiral that is drug-based medicine. The obvious alternative method - identify and remove the poisons - isn't even on the table, unless the practitioner happens to be aware of natural, integrative or functional medical principles and has the courage to go against the FDA-approved and liability-shielding grain to employ them.
Why Blood and Urine Analysis May Fail To Reveal The Problem
These preliminary research findings were further confirmed in a 2012 meta-analysis published in the Journal of Public and Environmental Health. The study titled, "Arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury in sweat: a systematic review," was performed by researchers from the Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, Ontario, Canada, and was based on a review of 24 studies on toxicant levels in the sweat.[2]
The researchers discovered the following:
In individuals with higher exposure or body burden, sweat generally exceeded plasma or urine concentrations, and dermal could match or surpass urinary daily excretion.
Arsenic dermal excretion was severalfold higher in arsenic-exposed individuals than in unexposed controls.
Cadmium was more concentrated in sweat than in blood plasma.
Sweat lead was associated with high-molecular-weight molecules, and in an interventional study, levels were higher with endurance compared with intensive exercise.
Mercury levels normalized with repeated saunas in a case report.
The researchers concluded, "Sweating deserves consideration for toxic element detoxification."
Sweating Also Removes The Insidious Petrochemicals BPA and Phthalates
But it gets better. Two additional studies published in 2012 found that sweating enhances the elimination of dangerous endocrine-disrupting petrochemicals.
The first study, involving 20 subjects made to undergo induced sweating, found that the ubiquitous petrochemical Bisphenol A (BPA) was excreted through sweat, even in some individuals with no BPA detected in their serum or urine samples.[3] This clearly indicates that the body uses sweat to rid itself of the BPA that has bioaccumulated in tissue.
The second study by the same research group, also involving 20 subjects, found that phthalate, a plasticizer tied to breast cancer and various other conditions associated with endocrine disruption, was present in concentrations twice as high in their sweat compared to their urine, and in several individuals was found in their sweat but not in their blood serum, "...suggesting the possibility of phthalate retention and bioaccumulation."
The researchers concluded:
"Induced perspiration may be useful to facilitate elimination of some potentially toxic phthalate compounds including DEHP and MEHP. "[4]
Concluding Remarks and Tips
The conclusion? Sweating performs more than simply a cooling function for the body. It appears that it is also a way through which the bodily burden of accumulated toxins can be more rapidly detoxified. The natural medical tradition has long argued that the skin is the largest organ of elimination, and that oftentimes skin problems reflect a state of chronic toxicity. Perhaps modern science is only now catching up to these age-old observations.
As far as practical implementation, what are the best ways to sweat? Exercise and Sauna Therapy carry a wide range of additional 'evidence-based' health benefits (not to mention you feel great afterwards!), providing plenty of reason to engage these activities with enough effort and discipline to obtain a good sweat. Truly, any form of purposeful movement sustained for long enough, with the right intensity, can produce a healthy sweat. As Edgar Allan Poe said "The best things in life make you sweaty."
[1] Stephen J Genuis, Detlef Birkholz, Ilia Rodushkin, Sanjay Beesoon. Blood, urine, and sweat (BUS) study: monitoring and elimination of bioaccumulated toxic elements. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. 2011 Aug ;61(2):344-57. Epub 2010 Nov 6. PMID: 21057782
[2] Margaret E Sears, Kathleen J Kerr, Riina I Bray. Arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury in sweat: a systematic review. J Environ Public Health. 2012 ;2012:184745. Epub 2012 Feb 22. PMID: 22505948
[3] Stephen J Genuis, Sanjay Beesoon, Detlef Birkholz, Rebecca A Lobo. Human excretion of bisphenol A: blood, urine, and sweat (BUS) study. J Environ Public Health. 2012 ;2012:185731. Epub 2011 Dec 27. PMID: 22253637
[4] Stephen J Genuis, Sanjay Beesoon, Rebecca A Lobo, Detlef Birkholz. Human elimination of phthalate compounds: blood, urine, and sweat (BUS) study. ScientificWorldJournal. 2012 ;2012:615068. Epub 2012 Oct 31. PMID: 23213291