What Doctors Still Don't Know About Fibro/IBS & Other Chronic Conditions
Direct link to article: https://wellnessforeveryone.net/biofilm-discovery/
This article may fly in the face of many doctors, but it’s something that needs to be addressed because it’s true.
And I’ve actually found it to be the primary reason why even the most well-known protocols fail & why people relapse.
Hopefully, after reading this brief article, you will come away understanding 2 very important things:

Because the truth of the matter is, we’ve found that over 80% of people dealing with a chronic condition are actually experiencing some form of pathogenic overgrowth.
The 4 main pathogens most people are suffering from are molds, parasites, Candida yeast & bacteria.
And you don’t even have to experience digestive symptoms to have an overgrowth of one of these 4 harmful microorganisms.
One of the most difficult factors with pathogenic overgrowth’s is that these symptoms are often responsible for the main symptoms of chronic conditions, such as body pain & aches, mood and sleep disorders, poor digestion & brain fog and extreme lethargy.
Why Even the Best Protocols Fail
When a pathogenic overgrowth has matured, they become resistant to even the toughest treatment protocols.
And experts have discovered that it’s because of biofilm.
Biofilm is a toxic, sticky plaque that bacteria & Candida yeast secrete which acts as a blanket within the body where they can hide out.
And biofilm is everywhere.
In one study1 medical researchers found that bacteria hidden underneath biofilms were up to 1,000x’s more likely to survive even the most potent antibiotics.
And biofilm is also the #1 reason why we’re suddenly seeing a huge rise in the drug-resistant bacteria plaguing the medical world.
Once biofilm becomes established in the body, these harmful pathogens are free to multiply under the safe layer of this biofilm plaque.
The Big Problem with Biofilms – Why We Stay Sick
Biofilm Actually Causes 2 Problems in the Body:
Problem #1: The body cannot penetrate biofilm or defend itself from pathogens hiding under these biofilm layers – leaving them to multiply virtually unchecked in the gut.
Problem #2: Biofilm is very toxic to a human body. Even in very small amounts.
It’s made up of a half dozen neurotoxins, which are known to cause a multitude of symptoms including lethargy, all over body pain, headaches and digestive & mood disorders.
And over time, these pathogens accumulate & release toxins which can puncture tiny holes in the intestinal wall.
Those delicate links that keep the intestinal wall together, now become compromised & as a result, toxins from biofilm & tiny food particles can now enter the bloodstream.
This process is more commonly known as leaky-gut.

When leaky gut is happening, our immune system triggers several chain reactions which end up causing system-wide inflammation throughout the body.
And inflammation is painful – because it’s an all-over-body pain.
This is why so many people suddenly become sensitive to foods they’ve always eaten such as wheat, dairy & even the so-called “health foods.”
As this happens, the body works to shut off the inflammation cycle by delivering certain hormones.
It’s also tasked to send a large amount of nutrients in order to help with detoxification & cell repair.
This creates nutrient deficiencies, only to worsen the health of the body.
So this chain-reaction of events develops as the body rapidly declines.
And all of this starts in the gut.
Ultimately, the first step is removing this toxic biofilm layer that these harmful yeast and bacteria use to hide and multiply under.
Because if you don’t take this first step to eliminate this protective layer, almost any treatment protocol is destined to fail.
The famous quote from Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine once proclaimed “All disease begins in the gut.”
But sadly, this principle has all but been lost in our modern world.
Until only recently.
That’s because the latest medical research has recently discovered 2 natural methods for breaking down this biofilm & it’s already something that our bodies naturally produce each & every day.
On the following page we will detail, step-by-step, why & how this works & what this could mean for chronic illness along with several other conditions that biofilm also plays a huge role in solving.
Go to next page: https://www.restore3supplement.com/3-step-protocol/