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The Unexplored Health Benefits of Fulvic Acid

You may not have heard much about fulvic acid in the mainstream media, but to put it very simply… life as we know it would not exist without it!

It is directly relevant for a healthy body because it makes nutrients in the foods we consume (such as vitamins and minerals and other herbal supplements) more readily available for use by our body’s cells.

Fulvic acid is critical for nutrient absorption because it is highly “bioavailable.” In other words, it is easily absorbed into our blood when we consume it. And while being absorbed itself, it also improves the absorption of various nutrients via our digestive system.

In fact, mineral absorption without prior chelation (a type of bonding of ions and molecules to metal ions) by fulvic acid is only about 10% effective. Fulvic acid also allows minerals to regenerate and interact with one another, enhancing their availability.

Finally, because of its very low molecular weight, fulvic acid is able to pass easily through the protective membranes into our body’s cells. While doing so, it brings in nutrients, minerals, and vitamins in the right quantities, while keeping others out. In fact, it is able to transport over 60 times its own weight in vitamins and minerals into cells!

In other words, fulvic acid increases the overall retention, absorption, and efficient utilization of nutrients present in both foods and supplements, improving the overall health and functioning of our body.

The Healing Potential of Fulvic Acid

Along with enhancing nutrient transport, fulvic acid’s fantastic healing potential is also related to its ability to:

  • Dissolve and remove accumulated toxic pollutants from the body

  • Act as powerful antioxidants, inactivating harmful free radicals

  • Increase the body’s overall “redox potential”

  • Enhance enzyme activity, including alkaline phosphatases (help to break down proteins), transaminases (needed to make proteins), and invertase (breaks down sugar into glucose and fructose)

For all these reasons, an increasing number of health experts are beginning to advocate that everyone take a fulvic acid supplement regularly – both to overcome any nutrient deficiencies they may have, and to better maintain their health and wellbeing.

What is Fulvic Acid?

Fulvic acid is extracted from humus – a thick, dark brown or black organic material that forms in the soil, sediment, or aquatic environments when plant and animal matter decays into its most basic chemical elements. Humus makes soil more fertile and also allows air and water to move easily through soil, allowing oxygen to reach the roots of plants.

Along with fulvic acid, humic acid is the other major component of humus. In fact, fulvic acid is actually a type of lightweight humic acid. Of the two, fulvic acid is used for its many nutritional benefits, while non-fulvic humic acid is better known for its antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Many of the chemicals that are naturally present in fulvic acid are important (even critical) nutrients for plants, bacteria, and other organisms that live in soil. Soil containing humus and fulvic acid is better able to retain moisture. They also improve soil structure and enable plants to easily take up and use the vital nutrients they need.

Fulvic Acid, the Super Antioxidant

In combination with active carbon and high molecular oxygen, fulvic acid is one of the most powerful antioxidants around. When it encounters free radicals, it supplies an equal and opposite charge to neutralize them, acting as a health-protective antioxidant.

By being an electron donor as well an electron acceptor, based on the cell’s requirements, fulvic acid protects our body’s cells and their internal structures from harmful oxidation by environmental toxins and pollutants – and is therefore a crucial factor in the prevention, even reversal of infections and diseases.

Fulvic Acid Improves Efficiency of Metal Transport

The carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen molecules in fulvic acid carry an enormous amount of energy, enhancing virtually everything they are bonded to.

Fulvic acid forms strong complexes with many metals – including “ferric” iron, aluminum, and copper – thereby increasing their ability to dissolve in water. These metallic minerals dissolve and disappear into the fulvic structure, becoming biochemically reactive and much more mobile.

In other words, fulvic acid is nature’s way of “chelating” metallic minerals, turning them into readily absorbable, bio-available forms. Fulvic acid also allows heavy metals to move through the body much more efficiently.

In nature, fulvic acid makes minerals and metals more easily absorbable through plant root cell walls. Minerals (such as iron) that are not usually very mobile are easily transported through plant structures thanks to fulvic acid.

Fulvic acid also dissolves and transports vitamins, coenzymes, hormones, and antibiotics that are found naturally in the soil. While plants make many of their own vitamins, they are further supplemented by those in the soil they grow in, thanks to fulvic acid.

Fulvic Acid Balances the Body’s Electric Potential

Along with all its other beneficial properties, fulvic acid is a powerful electrolyte that dissolves in water and other liquids and is able to conduct electric currents, helping to keep the electrical potential of our body’s cells balanced.

As an electrolyte it maintains the health of the body’s cells by allowing the free flow of electrons and other ions and increasing cell membrane permeability – which also helps to absorb nutrients faster and keeps them in the body longer.

The body’s overall electric potential can be negatively affected by fluid loss, emotional and physical stress, lack of sleep, a sedentary lifestyle, and poor nutrition. Improving the electrolytic balance in our body’s cells helps them to protect themselves against infections and diseases. In this way, the electrolytic properties of fulvic acid help to protect our health.

Fulvic Acid is a Powerful Detoxing Agent

Fulvic acid is vital for binding to pollutants such as pesticides and herbicides and catalyzing their breakdown and dispersal. For instance, the toxic herbicide known as “Paraquat” is rapidly detoxified by fulvic acid.

Promisingly, most radioactive substances seem to react rapidly with fulvic acid, to form inactive complexes that can then be excreted from the body.

Health Benefits of Fulvic acid Supplementation

The many health benefits of fulvic acid supplementation include:

  • Maintenance of appropriate nutrient levels in the body’s cells

  • Improving memory, focus, and analysis

  • Removal of harmful toxins and free radicals from the body

  • Neutralizing radiation and eliminating or reducing its harmful effects on the body

  • Enabling faster and more efficient absorption of nutrients, including vitamins and minerals into the body

  • Boosting and helping to rebuild the immune system; warding off infections and illnesses

  • Increasing energy and metabolism and leading to greater activity levels, weight loss, and an overall sense of good health and wellbeing

  • Enabling more restful sleep

  • Reducing stress levels

  • Lowering levels of arthritis-related pain and inflammation

  • Improving circulation and lowering blood pressure (BP)

  • Enabling better hormone and electrolytic balances

  • Maintaining healthy hair, skin, and nails

Why Take a Fulvic Acid Supplement?

It’s a sad fact that most of today’s mass-produced fruits and vegetables don’t contain enough fulvic acid to ensure complete absorption of the many vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients they contain. Not only that, they already contain very low levels of these nutrients, because the soils they are grown in have become depleted thanks to over-farming and careless soil management practices.

For these reasons, an increasing number of health experts recommend taking supplements containing fulvic acid as a regular nutritional aid, with or before meals. Since fulvic acid is a naturally occurring acidic complex, these supplements should have an acidic pH. In more alkaline solutions they will be rendered inactive and unable to provide their health benefits.

Fulvic acid is an organic product and known to be completely non-toxic. However, it should be remembered that reports of their effectiveness are anecdotal at this time.

Therefore, always be sure to consult a qualified healthcare practitioner before taking fulvic acid supplements to ensure that they don’t interfere with any other ongoing treatments or medications.

Finally, remember that no supplement can substitute for a balanced, nutritious diet, proper exercise, and healthy lifestyle choices. On the other hand, taking a fulvic acid supplement regularly will perfectly complement your healthy life choices – aiding in overall health, wellbeing, and protection from disease.

Every year, Americans spend $28 billion on vitamins and herbal supplements.1 Would it surprise you to learn that at least 25% of that is totally wasted?

Do some research and you’ll soon discover that many supplements don’t actually contain what’s on the label. Worse, some supplements are tainted with toxic chemicals like lead, arsenic, and pesticides.2

According to Consumer Lab, a company that has tested more than 2,000 health supplements, 1 in 4 has quality problems.3 Their study of multivitamins found that 32% had defects.4

This means that at least $7 billion of vitamin and herbal supplements purchased every year are essentially worthless -- and possibly even dangerous.

Obviously, not all health supplements are created equal. So grabbing bottles willy-nilly off a grocery store shelf is not a good strategy if your goal is improving your health.

This is why it’s extremely important to do your research and make sure you’re getting only high quality health supplements from trusted manufacturers.

But let’s assume for a moment that you’ve done your research and you’re taking nothing but high quality supplements. Even then, there’s a good chance you’re not actually getting the health benefits you think you are.

Here’s why…

Why Your Vitamin & Mineral Supplements Might Be FAILING You

Little-known fact: You are NOT what you eat… you are what you ABSORB.

Think about this. If you eat something and your body fails to absorb its nutrients, what happens? The food is simply passed out of your body.

You might THINK you are getting nutrition, but you aren’t getting as much as you think you are (if any).

Crohn’s disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) are both extreme examples where there is “malabsorption” -- which means you can’t properly digest food and absorb the nutrients it contains.

All the nutrients your body needs are just flushed out of your system.

In extreme cases, malabsorption can quickly lead to malnourishment.

Most people don’t have severe digestive disorders, but you still might not be absorbing the vitamins and nutrients you’re taking.

Your Body Can Only Absorb Vitamins and Nutrients that Are “Bioavailable” and in the Right Amounts

Your body can only effectively absorb those nutrients that are “bioavailable.” This is an important concept to understand.

Whole foods like fruits and vegetables are easily digested and absorbed by your body because your body naturally recognizes whole food.

But when it comes to supplements that contain synthetic isolated vitamins and minerals, your body may have a hard time identifying and using them.

For example, the most common form of supplemental calcium is calcium carbonate, which comes from limestone.5 Calcium carbonate taken on an empty stomach is not easily absorbed.

Furthermore, your body can’t absorb large doses of calcium. Harvard Medical School notes,6 “You don't absorb large doses of calcium as efficiently as you do small ones. Thus, much of a 1,000-mg tablet is going to waste.”

Now get this… 95% of all vitamin supplements on the market are synthetic.7 This is a huge problem. Dr.

Edward Group writes:

Many synthetic vitamins lack the transporters and co-factors associated with naturally occurring vitamins because they have been “isolated.” The Organic Consumers Association emphasizes that isolated vitamins cannot be used or recognized by the body in the same way as the natural version.

Isolated vitamins can’t always be used by the body, and are either stored until you obtain or create the nutrients required to use them effectively or are excreted. Synthetic vitamins are also devoid of necessary trace minerals and must use the body’s own mineral reserves which may lead to dangerous mineral deficiencies.8

To put it bluntly, you may be causing your body more harm than good if you’re taking low quality synthetic vitamin supplements.

And if you think you can just eat more fruits and vegetables to get the nutrition you need, think again…

Why It’s Nearly Impossible to Get Enough Trace Minerals from the Foods You Normally Eat

In times gone by, it was easier for people to get trace minerals through their diets. Many people grew their own crops organically. And they grew a variety of crops in the same ground -- which helped the soil to stay balanced.

Today, it is almost impossible to get all the trace minerals you need from diet alone. This is because commercial farming techniques are extremely harsh on soil.

Individual crops (like corn) are planted on thousands of acres of land at a time with no other crops mixed in. This lack of biodiversity leaches the ground of specific minerals that never get replaced.

Furthermore, most farmland is farmed year after year nonstop. This prevents the land from “resting” and allowing nature to replenish the soil.

Not only that, many crops are sprayed with toxic pesticides and herbicides, which seep into the ground and poison the food we eat.

Because farmland is overused and under-rested, the fruits and vegetables we eat today don’t have the same nutritional value as they used to have 60+ years ago.

They lack many of the trace minerals that are essential for human health and longevity.

You might think you’re “eating healthy” by eating fruits and vegetables. But conventional fruits and vegetables (and even some organics) are now nutritionally “poor” -- a shadow of what they used to be.

This is why so many people don’t consume enough of the right trace minerals and are currently suffering from mineral imbalances.

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