VeganEssentials is an online store located in Waukesha, Wisconsin. We have been in business since early 1998 and are one of the USA's oldest cruelty-free retailers, filling the needs of vegans worldwide for nearly a decade. We're a vegan owned and operated store that specializes in only offering the highest quality animal-free products, and our mission is to offer unparalleled service and selection all in one location, making us a one-stop shopping destination for all things vegan.
Founded by Courtney and Sue Ernster, our product selection was originally only available through printed catalogs, but over the years we have evolved to be internet-based for showcasing our product selection in order to reduce paper waste and make shopping as fast and easy as possible. We've grown to a staff of 8 to serve the vegan community by offering the largest selection of cruelty-free items in one location while making your shopping experience pleasant and convenient. We want to get you what you need as quickly as possible when you're in need of products that are free from animal ingredients and animal testing. Every product that leaves our store is a vote in favor of supporting cruelty-free options to make for a kinder planet!
Currently, no longer have a walk-in store for people to browse products, but all of the 2000+ vegan items we offer are available on our website, and you can also place orders online to pick up at our warehouse in order to save on shipping costs (please see our FAQ section for details). While we'd previously had a storefront in Milwaukee, unfortunately, we are not likely to be able to re-open a storefront in the near future and will be online only, but we're always happy to have people stop in to try on shoes or clothing before making a purchase (by appointment only, please call or email in advance), or to pick up online orders to save on shipping costs. If you would like to stop by to pick up an order you have placed online or if you need to try on or see an item before buying, please call ahead and we will be glad to assist. Our local number is 262-574-7761, and we are able to accommodate pick-ups or trying on items between Monday and Friday by appointment (Monday - Thursday from 9 to 5, Friday from 9 to 3). Also, we are occasionally open later than 6 PM at the start of the week, so we may be open late as well if you need to stop in later in the day. If you can't make it here to pick an order up, don't worry, because we can send our products just about anywhere in the world to get you exactly what you'd like. Simply order online, call your order in to our toll-free line at 1-866-88-VEGAN, or mail us a list of what you need and we'll work to get you the products you'd like.
Thank you for making us your supplier of vegan products, and if we can assist in any way just call or email and we'll be here to help you!
Courtney, Ryan, Sue, Denise, Janet, Colleen, Suzanne, Dick and Dave
The VeganEssentials.com staff